

Lecture Tour and Publication of Book on the...
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Foto: Dansk
Sydpols Ekspedition
The first
danes ever, 37 years old Kristian Joos and 43 years old Gregers Gjersoe, have completed
their expedition on skis to the Sout Pole. On January the 12th. they arrived to
the most Southern part of the Earth after travelling 55 days from Hercules Inlet
on the Western Antarctic. The 1200 km from the coast to the South Pole were covered
with an impressive average of 21,8 km per day. The expedition was "unsupported"
- Kristian and Gregers were taking all provisions and equipment with them on two
pulks weighing 120 kg each, hauled uphill until they reached their goal.
Read more
about the expediton in the Newsletters.
So far : 1111,1 km <> Left : 0,0 km
(the map
is compensated, globeeffect)
Gold Sponsors
